She’s 34, now, though, with a job and two kids.

During her first shows as Grimes, she’d sleep in a tent when she couldn’t afford a hotel. The police impounded the boat and sent them on their way. Once she and a boyfriend ran afoul of the police in Minnesota as they tried to sail a houseboat they’d built out of actual junk down the Mississippi River. “I used to be so far left that I went through a period of living without currency, living outside.” This was during and after college at McGill University in Montreal. “I feel really trapped between two worlds,” Grimes tells me. Decades from now, it’ll still sound like a revolution. Maim” is the perfect crash course on her music-just your garden-variety pop disquisition on the inexorable pull toward brutality and chaos. Overnight, a chunk of her core constituency-the internet-turned on her. For Grimes, the dent to her reputation has been real. (He tweeted “Rococo basilisk” years earlier, she’d made a music video featuring a character called Rococo Basilisk.) While the world was huddled indoors, Tesla took off like a BFR-that’s an inside joke for the SpaceX junkies in the house-sending Musk’s net worth into the stratosphere, and he seemed to delight in provoking his trolls. She connected with Musk through Twitter in 2018, which is how he discovered they’d made the same pun about a dark theory of A.I.-authorized torture called Roko’s basilisk. Grimes was a musical autodidact who went viral in 2010 with some of the very first songs she made on GarageBand, then spent a decade creating every single note in a male-dominated industry, no matter how much unrequested help men kept offering. “We’ve always wanted at least three or four.”

We just need to be free.” They plan to have more children too. We just have our own thing going on, and I don’t expect other people to understand it.” What matters, I offer, is that they’re happy. “I would probably refer to him as my boyfriend, but we’re very fluid. “There’s no real word for it,” she begins. So, wait-are Grimes and Musk still together? If today’s excitement turns out to be how the world learns that X has a little sister, well, at least Grimes did it her way.
She’s got a full name, but this doesn’t seem like the moment to ask for it. That’s what they call her, by the way: Y. She and Musk used a surrogate this time, which in combination with the pandemic enabled them to keep their daughter a secret, right up until Y shared the news just now on her own. Around the time of her daughter’s birth in December, though, she relocated full time to Austin, and that’s where I’m meeting her-on a sleepy neighborhood cul-de-sac 15 minutes from downtown, less than an hour by private jet from Starbase, and a short drive from the Tesla factory.Ĭlose followers of Grimes on social media may recall that she was definitely not pregnant during the latter months of 2021. Grimes was bunkered in Los Angeles with X and working on Book 1. He was spending more time in Texas, where SpaceX operates its Starbase complex and Tesla is opening a new Gigafactory. He chalked this up to busy careers in distant cities. “Grimes and I are, I’d say, probably semi-separated,” he told Time, which named him its 2021 Person of the Year. Last fall, though, Musk appeared to confirm rumors that they’d split up. It was scary.” She and Musk wanted more kids, but she feared serious complications. So I would just crawl to the bathroom and crawl back or whatever.” At one point during the pregnancy, she thought she was dying. It was kind of scary, because you don’t want to fall a lot when you’re eight months pregnant. “He was pressing on my nerves, so I kept collapsing,” she says. The last month of her pregnancy with X, she couldn’t walk. Grimes, meanwhile, used to get called “waifish” so often in profiles that she railed against it in a viral 2013 Tumblr post. “I was like, ‘I feel like he’s going to be a peaceful giant.’ ” She was right. When Grimes was pregnant with X in 2020, she had a clear sense of the boy he’d turn out to be. I don’t know what I was thinking.”Ĭongratulations to Grimes and Elon Musk on the birth of their second child together! It’s a girl! “She’s a little colicky too.” She laughs again and buries her face in her hands. Now we both start laughing.ĭid she really think I wasn’t going to hear a baby? It’s a calming period that breaks with a sitcom punch line: full-blown infant screams upstairs, followed by the voice of a woman pleading SHH.
I suggest we pause for a moment to discuss the surreal professional ethics at play, which are that I can’t pretend I don’t know she’s got a secret baby with the world’s wealthiest man hiding upstairs. She’s rattled, and I’m mortified by even accidentally making a woman-a new mother, no less-feel exposed and vulnerable.